It's spring (I think!) and if you're like me you're anxious to get outside and clean up the yard, maybe start digging in the dirt and planting things. There are a few things you should be aware of before you start raking up those piles of old leaves that you didn't quite get to last fall.
Rabbits, mice and sometimes squirrels find those piles of old leaves perfect places for making nests. Please check these piles before you remove them. You may be removing someone's home. Old woodpiles are also great places for wild mothers to hide their young. Depending on where you live, you may even find that a red fox has decided to have her family there.
The grass is finally starting to grow, even time to mow in some places. Be on the lookout for rabbit nests in the grass. The nest isn't usually very deep and can easily be mown over if you aren't careful. If this should happen and the nest isn't completely destroyed, you can put it back together and place the babies back in the nest--as long as they aren't injured. Also, watch for any ground-nesting birds.
If you have red squirrels in your neighborhood and you have stored things like golf bags in your garage, you may want to check them before taking them to the golf course for the first time. The little red squirrels can be very destructive and often will find your golf bag, duffel bag, etc. very attractive when it comes time to look for a good nesting area.
Before you do any trimming or pruning of bushes and trees, make sure you aren't trimming away someone's nest. Birds are very busy right now building their nests and preparing for this year's family. Squirrels will also build nests in trees. Usually using lots and lots of leaves and twigs. They will also use the cavities of dead trees as nest sites, as will a variety of cavity dwelling birds. The little squirrels in the picture above were rescued when the tree their nest was in was cut down. I was told that the mother was frantically running back and forth along the downed tree, unsure of how to help her babies.
So before you begin your spring clean-up, take a look around your backyard. You may be surprised at who you're sharing it with.